VET in Schools
Funded by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, the VETiS (Vocational Education & Training in Schools) program covers training fees for VET courses that are aligned to jobs and skills in demand, putting secondary school students on a path to employment and further VET opportunities.
The College of Sport & Fitness is approved as a Skills Assure Supplier (SAS) to deliver SIS20321 Certificate II
in Sport Coaching as a VETiS funded qualification.
The SIS30521 Certificate III in Sport Coaching qualification is delivered as ‘Fee for Service’ only and invoiced either to the individual student or to their school.
Under the SAS system, funding follows the eligible student to their chosen SAS and is paid directly to the SAS on submission of the student’s validated training data.
Our VETiS funded program is available to Queensland Secondary schools and their eligible students. With a minimum class size of just 15, CSF offers trainer led delivery onsite at your school in Sport Coaching & Sport and Recreation. These qualifications attract QCE points and provides students with insight into the Sports industry. They also include guest industry speakers, tours & possible work experience opportunities.
CSF is approved as a Skills Assure Supplier (SAS) for the VETiS funded qualifications: SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation and SIS 20321 Certificate II in Sport Coaching.